Winter wedding in Florence

When planning Elena and Ema’s wedding we had a big issue. No, it was not the date of the wedding nor the weather. Elena and Ema were very sure about the date, January 13th, their anniversary. Elena was alwasy very sure to have her wedding in winter. She did not want their guests to be […]

An intimate wedding in Livernano, a secluded place in Chianti

I finally am back to write the blog. This season has really hit me. I am enormously happy and grateful of all the couples who chose Wtuscany  for their big day and happy to welcome the 2019 couples.   I am about to tell you a bit of some of these weddings, I will talk […]

A wedding with a view on Florence

She was a small, sweet woman with a smiley face, he was very sweet too and you could tell they were deeply in love with each other. Surrounded only by few memebers of family and friends they did a symbolic ceremony in front of Florence, litterally! My crew: Wedding design and planning: WTuscany and events Make […]